“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants – so long as it is black.”
That’s how Henry Ford described the severely limited paint options he would offer customers when he introduced the Model T.
And he was true to his word. For the first 12 years of production, Model Ts only came in black.
Henry Ford would fit right in at Capital Vacations.
Because when it comes to leaving Capital Vacations, options aren’t…well…really an option.
“If you’re evaluating your Capital Vacations timeshare and if it’s right for you, we offer options,” is what Capital Vacations initially claims to customers looking to end their timeshare arrangement.
Sounds nice…and reasonable.
But actual options are few and far between, as Darleen found out. We came across Darleen’s story in the hundreds of complaints against Capital Vacations on file with the Better Business Bureau.
“I reached out to discuss the possibility of giving up my ownership due to some issues with the company.”
Just like Capital Vacations tells owners to do.
“I was quickly informed that I would be expected to pay it off entirely before they would consider.”
In other words, Capital Vacations gave Darleen just one option.
Paging Henry Ford!
“After expressing my frustrations with their requirement to get the Graceful Exit extended, I was also informed that even if I did that then there would be possible fees for that.”
“[They] then recommended that I transfer the ownership – which would be ANOTHER fee.”
“Does it ever end? It is fee after fee and I get nothing in return.”
Ford’s “my way or the highway” sole option made him millions.
It works for Capital Vacations, too.
“All I want is for this company to hold themselves accountable and allow us out of it without hurting our financial well-being in the process.”
Unfortunately for Darleen, at Capital Vacations that’s not an option.
But it should be. Let’s tell Travis Bary, the co-president of Capital Vacations, that by emailing him at tbary@capitalvacations.com.
Let’s ask Jason Gamel, the president and CEO of the American Resort Development Association (ARDA), whichrepresents timeshare companies in Washington, DC, what he’s doing to make that happen. Jason’s email is jgamel@arda.org.
We could also ask ARDA’s Resort Owners Coalition, which claims to represent the interests of timeshare owners, for help. Kenneth McKelvey is the chairman – but he’s also an executive consultant to Capital Vacations. Awkward. Let’s send him an email at consumer@arda-roc.org to find out who’s side he’s really on.
Wish your timeshare company offered more than one option? Use this list of ARDA VIPs to tell your company’s leaders.
Run out of options with your timeshare company? Let us know at info@timesharefacts.com.
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