Two Years of Timeshare Facts: Reflecting on Your Stories

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

It’s been over two years now since Timeshare Facts was started.  During that time, we have provided insights, resources and factual reports to help you work through the complex issues with timeshares.

And we heard your stories.  Heartbreaking stories about the way a lot of folks were treated horribly.

While we’ve heard a variety of timeshare horror stories, it’s important to note that not all timeshare experiences are negative. 

Some timeshare companies receive notably fewer complaints, reflecting potentially better practices and customer satisfaction.

Timeshare Companies with Fewer Complaints

We believe in sharing real, opinion-free information for the benefit of those interested in learning more about timeshare. The following timeshare companies have stood out to the Timeshare Facts team by having fewer user-submitted complaints compared to other companies. 

1. Disney Vacation Club: Disney Vacation Club stands out as a timeshare provider with relatively fewer complaints. Many owners appreciate the consistency and quality of Disney properties, as well as the transparent points system.

2. Hilton Grand Vacations: Hilton Grand Vacations is another company that appears less frequently in our complaint submissions. 

3. Marriott Vacation Club: Marriott Vacation Club also receives fewer negative stories. 

4. Travel + Leisure Co.: Travel + Leisure Co. is one of the largest developers and also has a lower volume of complaints on Timeshare Facts.

5.  Vacation Internationale:  We don’t recall seeing any negative stories that comment on this company.  

While these companies stand out by receiving fewer complaints, it’s important to note that the timeshare industry as a whole still needs to be cleaned up – there are bad actors left unchecked that continue to harm potential owners by misleading the facts about ownership and applying unnecessary pressure to make a sale. 

That’s why we also think it’s important to reflect on the most common themes in these stories and highlight some lesser-discussed aspects of the timeshare industry.

Common Themes in Timeshare Horror Stories

1. High-Pressure Sales Tactics: One of the most frequently shared experiences involves high-pressure sales tactics. Many of you have recounted attending seemingly harmless presentations, only to be met with relentless pressure to sign on the dotted line. These tactics often leave potential buyers feeling cornered and making hasty decisions they later regret.

2. Misleading Promises: Another theme we hear over and over is about the gap between promises made during the sales pitch and the reality of owning a timeshare. Numerous stories describe how sales representatives painted a rosy picture of easy bookings, luxurious accommodations, and hassle-free exchanges. However, the actual experience often falls short, with limited availability and unexpected fees.

3. Rising Maintenance Fees: The burden of rising maintenance fees comes up over and over again. Many timeshare owners have shared their frustration over annual maintenance fees that continue to increase without corresponding improvements in the property or services. This unexpected financial strain can be a significant source of regret for timeshare owners.

4. Difficulty Exiting Contracts: Exiting a timeshare contract is another central pain point. We’ve heard from many owners who found themselves trapped in perpetual contracts with little to no feasible exit strategy. The challenges of reselling or relinquishing ownership often lead to feelings of helplessness and financial stress.

5. Poor Customer Service: Timeshare owners frequently complain about poor customer service. Stories about unresponsive customer support, difficulty resolving issues, and lack of transparency in communication have been common threads in the narratives we’ve received.

Looking Ahead

As we round the corner on our second anniversary, we want to extend our thanks to each of you for sharing stories and contributing to the knowledge of the timeshare community. Your experiences, both positive and negative, help us shine a bright light on the timeshare industry.

We will keep shedding light on the realities of timeshare ownership and help you better understand this industry.

Please, keep sharing your stories and insights. 

Together, we can foster a community of informed timeshare owners and strive for transparency and fairness in the industry.

Share your story with us at… and unlike your typical timeshare company, we’ll actually listen! 

PS:  Follow us on social media.  Twitter   Facebook   Instagram

Timeshare Owners: Tell us your story!

Timeshare Owners: Tell us your story!

Timeshare Facts cannot help you get out of your timeshare. Timeshare Facts is not a law firm and does not give legal advice. Our purpose is to showcase the truth about timeshare.